Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
Our Cooley Smiles dentists have over twenty years performing sedation dentistry on patients with dental phobias. They stay on top of the latest advances in sedation dentistry techniques, making it a safe practice for almost everyone.
Certain factors such as medical conditions, some medications, and age may limit the type of sedation we can administer. Our dentists will work closely with you to ensure all of these factors are considered and your experience is as comfortable as possible.
Who Should Consider Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is appropriate for patients who suffer from dental phobias or who have any sort of fear or anxiety about their dental procedures. With sedation, you can have procedures as simple as teeth cleanings and as complex as smile makeovers performed without any discomfort at all.
Do I Need to Arrange for a Ride if I'm Having Sedation Dentistry Performed?
It is always a good idea to arrange for a ride home if you are undergoing any form of sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide, the mildest form of sedation, may wear off sufficiently during your procedure to allow you to drive home. However, for your own safety, we recommend you arrange for a ride home even with this mild form of sedation.
Will I Feel Anything During My Procedure?
Pur Bellevue sedation dentists will administer an appropriate amount of sedation to ensure your maximum comfort. For procedures that require anesthetic, we will administer both medications for a pain free and relaxing procedure.
Is Sedation Dentistry Appropriate for Children?
Not all forms of sedation are appropriate for children. We offer a variety of sedation methods in order to allow every member of your family to undergo their dental procedures in an anxiety-free manner. We will discuss appropriate sedation methods for your children at your initial consultation.
Bellevue, WA Sedation Dentist
If you have questions about sedation dentistry in Seattle or Bellevue, Washington, please contact the experienced sedation dentists at Cooley Smiles today to schedule your initial consultation.