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Home For Patients Dental Blog Are Oral Piercings Safe for Your Teeth?

Are Oral Piercings Safe for Your Teeth?

Posted on 6/21/2021 by Brandon Cooley
Are Oral Piercings Safe for Your Teeth?Self-expression is important, and many people use piercings as a form of self-expression. Oral piercings may look cool but can be dangerous to your oral health. It is important to consider health risks before any alterations or additions to your body. Our mouths house millions of bacteria, and we are constantly exposed to bacteria in our mouths. Jewelry in the mouth can cause health concerns and risks, and physical trauma to the teeth.

Risks of Piercings in the Mouth

The mouth is at risk for infection, even without piercings, because of the many bacteria we are exposed to. Piercings create an added risk, and if the piercing is inside the mouth and causes swelling due to infection, it is possible that the swelling may increase the risk of a blocked airway. Aside from the risk of infection, it can also lead to physical damage to the teeth, gums, or fillings already present. This is because it is common for those who have piercings in their mouths to play with them, which can lead to injury. It is possible to have an allergic reaction at the site of the piercing and possible nerve damage to the tongue. Nerve damage can affect your ability to taste and move your mouth.

How to Care for Piercings

If you already have oral piercings, be mindful of your symptoms. It is important to keep piercings clean and avoid clicking the jewelry against teeth or playing with jewelry in the mouth. Make sure the jewelry is inserted correctly and tightened appropriately to lessen the chances of it becoming dislodged or falling out. Removing jewelry before sports can also help prevent injury.

Oral piercings can be detrimental to the health of the mouth but can be a desire in terms of self-expression and personality. If you are considering oral piercing and have questions about maintaining oral health, please give our office a call. We can help you stay on top of regular visits to ensure your piercings do not endanger your oral health.

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