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Home For Patients Dental Blog Do Any Foods Remove Dental Stains?

Do Any Foods Remove Dental Stains?

Posted on 1/20/2020 by Brandon Cooley
Do Any Foods Remove Dental Stains?No one wants to smile knowing that their teeth are stained yellow. There are a number of different foods that can stain your teeth, including coffee, red wine, dark sodas, and some berries.

Smoking can also turn your teeth yellow, plus if you don't regularly brush, you may also find your teeth have become stained. What can you do to remove these stains? The best thing to do is come to us for a professional cleaning, but you can also help combat stains by eating certain foods.

Foods that Increase Saliva

The saliva in your mouth produces is its natural way of washing your teeth. Saliva washes off bacteria, food particles, and other debris, including anything that can cause your teeth to stain. There are a number of foods that help increase the amount of saliva your mouth products, including cauliflower, celery, carrots, pears, and apples. These foods are high in natural fibers, too, which help scrub your teeth clean.

Another way of increasing the flow of saliva in your mouth is to chew on sugar-free gum. This is also a good option for those trying to cut down on the amount of candy they eat or who are trying to stop smoking.

Milk and Cheese
Milk and cheese both help protect the enamel of your teeth, making it more difficult for them to become stained and damaged. They also encourage production of saliva and help neutralize any acids in your mouth. They're a great source of calcium, which the body needs to keep your teeth strong.

Of course, the best thing to drink with any meal and throughout the day is water. Water helps wash off your teeth and get rid of bacteria. If you drink soda, you're hitting your teeth with loads of sugar. If you drink certain juices, you're bombarding your teeth with citric acid that can soften the enamel. Water and other sugar-free drinks are definitely the way to go.

Do you want to get rid of the nasty stains on your teeth? Give us a call today to set up a teeth whitening appointment.

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