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Home For Patients Dental Blog Signs You Have a Cavity Developing in Your Mouth

Signs You Have a Cavity Developing in Your Mouth

Posted on 2/20/2019 by Brandon Cooley
Signs You Have a Cavity Developing in Your MouthWhile we all strive to keep a healthy and beautiful smile, sometimes you may need guidance and help with maintaining your oral health. Here are a few warning signs you should be aware of that may indicate you are developing a cavity.

Pain, Pain, Go Away
One of the more obvious signs of a developing cavity is oral pain, commonly known as toothaches. If you are experiencing a thrumming ache or burning sensation in or around any of your teeth, and haven't experienced an injury in that area, you may be developing a cavity.

In particular, any inflammation or redness around the gums, tingling or stinging sensation in your teeth, or sensitivity to elements or ingredients (whether cold or hot, sweet or salty) are indications that you may have a cavity.

But Not Entirely
However, your teeth are living organisms full of nerves, which means that a lack of sensation – numbness or reduced sensitivity – can frequently also be bad news. Typically, this is observed once the cavity has advanced to a late stage, where treatment is critical.

Numbness is caused by a cavity wearing away at the root of the affected tooth for so long, that it begins dying or worse may already be dead. If you are experiencing numbness in your teeth, you should reach out to us immediately, as there are vital steps we can take to try to recover your teeth's health.

The best thing you can do to avoid cavities is take good care of your mouth, with routine hygienic care, including brushing your teeth twice daily, rinsing after meals and drinks, and flossing daily. However, if you are experiencing pain – or worse, experiencing numbness – please do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment for your oral checkup, diagnosis, and prompt, compassionate treatment.

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