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Home For Patients Dental Blog Pros and Cons of Chewing Gum Regularly

Pros and Cons of Chewing Gum Regularly

Posted on 9/20/2017 by Brandon Cooley
Gum Cooley Smiles WA 98006-1262
Do you chew gum like it is going out of style? Some people think this is a great benefit for your mouth, while others wince at the idea. Each mouth is different, and is going to respond to constant chewing differently.

However, there are both good and bad points to chewing gum like this. To determine what is best for you, you need to speak with your dentist.

Pros of Regular Gum Chewing

Those who chew gum regularly often have cleaner teeth overall than those who chew gum only on rare occasions. However, this is assuming the person is chewing sugar-free gum. If you aren't, then you may notice you have a higher rate of tooth decay than your peers. Chewing gum is also a great way to stimulate saliva production, which helps to keep your mouth more balanced and your teeth more protected.

Cons of Regular Gum Chewing

If you regularly chew gum, you may notice that you tend to get more sore in and around your jaw. This comes from using the joint as much. This becomes especially true for those with a misaligned bite or with other TMJ issues. You may also notice that your gum sticks to prior dental work. This can pull out fillings and even cause trouble in your mouth if you chew the wrong type of gum.

Your dentist is going to be the best source of information about whether this is a good habit to continue, or a bad habit to try and stop. If you notice it hurts when you chew gum, use common sense and stop until you see your dentist. It may be temporary, but it may also be pain that is only going to increase. Don't take the risk. Instead, go ask your dentist what you should do.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (425) 998-6998 today.

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Bellevue, WA 98006-1262

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