Molars are some of the most important teeth in your mouth. They are responsible for the majority of the heavy chewing and crushing you do every day. When one of your molars hurts, your whole mouth can suffer. Here are some reasons your molar may be hurting.
Which Teeth Are Molars?
Your molars are located in the rear of your mouth. You have between two and three sets of molars in your top or bottom jaw, depending on if you still have your wisdom teeth.
The molars are the largest and widest teeth in your mouth, and their biting surface looks different than your other teeth. Molars have grooves and edges that help them crush difficult foods to digest, such as meat and vegetables, into small pieces.
Why Is My Molar Hurting?
There are several reasons why your molar may be hurting. First, get a small mirror and check your back teeth. You may have a piece of food trapped in between two of your molars that is causing pain and swelling. A good flossing may relieve the pain in your molars.
While you are looking at your molars in a mirror, check the gumline. Do you see any sores or swelling along your gums? You may have a canker sore, or you may have the beginning stages of gum disease. If you suspect it is a canker sore, try to rinse the area with salt water three times a day. You can also use a numbing gel for the pain.
If you have tried everything you can think of, and your molar is still hurting, it is time to come and visit our dentist. When you make an appointment, and our dentist can get a look at you, you may find out that you have a cavity that is causing your pain. Cavities are very common in your molars. In fact, molars are the teeth most likely to get a cavity due to their size, difficulty flossing, and their irregular surfaces. If you are still hurting, give our office a call today.
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