The short answer is yes, dental X-rays are safe. It is normal for your dentist to suggest getting a dental x-ray during your routine cleaning. They are dental procedures that allow your dentist to see deep beneath your gums, down into your bones, and the roots of your teeth.
What are X-rays?
X-rays use radiation to achieve their results, this might raise some concerns for some people. Radiation can be dangerous for instance, if you have watched the movie "Godzilla", you can relate to the dangers of radiation. The amount to which you are exposed during dental X-rays is minimal, however, dentists note that there are many sources of radiation that you interact with in your daily life over a year than dental X-rays. In some cases, x-rays are not recommended.
How much radiation is in an X-ray?
Previously, professionals did not know the dangers of repeated exposure to radiation, to make matters worse, safety features had not been invented. However, as technology and knowledge advanced, the amount of radiation used and possible exposure to it decreased dramatically. To put this into perspective, let us compare it to other sources.
A single dental x-ray has 0.1mrem of radiation. Natural radiation from soil has 35mrem of radiation per year. Smoking cigarettes on the other hand produces 1,300 mrem of radiation per year while natural gas for heating and cooking produces 9 mrem of radiation, per year. The level of radiation in dental X-rays is significantly low.
Dental X-rays might expose you to some radiation. However, the benefits of having them performed on you surpassed the risks. This is because many dental problems are invisible through the naked eye, X-rays let your dentist discover a range of issues in the tooth enamel, gums, and tooth roots.
The tools and techniques used in dental X-rays have been honed over time reducing radiation exposure. That ensures patient safety and minimizes exposure to harmful radiation. We can conclude that dental x-rays are safe for everyone except pregnant women and children. For more information about this, visit our offices or contact us today.