Oral cancer screening is preventive. Oral screening aims at detecting early signs of cancer in either the mouth, tongue, or throat. Any form of cancer can be life-threatening if not diagnosed at an early stage.
Early Detection
Oral cancer screening spots any signs of oral cancer while at the onset stages. When detected early, doctors can intervene immediately. Not only is early intervention beneficial but it also prevents the disease from progressing which can prove to be very fatal. The chances for cure and treatment are high when at the initial stages. Our doctors here at the facilities have made it a custom to screen for oral cancer during routine dental clinics. For the best mitigation strategies, doctors recommend that oral cancer screenings be done yearly. The good thing is that oral cancer screening is not just quick but also painless.
Raising Awareness
Oral cancer screenings create a good platform for spreading information about the disease and advice on the risk factors. When people are better informed, they take the necessary steps toward screening. In the case of high-risk populations, oral cancer screening is of utmost importance. People at high risk include those who smoke, take excessive alcohol, and have had a history of oral cancer running in the family.
Assessing The Risk
Through the screening, the doctor can tell if you are at risk of contracting oral cancer. Knowing that you could be at risk gives you the motivation to guard against oral cancer by incorporating a few preventive measures. Some of the preventive measures include reducing too much alcohol intake, doing away with smoking, and maintaining well-balanced nutrition. Besides, oral cancer screening gives you so much peace of mind just by knowing that your oral health is being monitored to mitigate oral cancer. Stop by our office for an oral cancer screening test today.