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Home For Patients Dental Blog Foods To Eat After Getting Dental Implants

Foods To Eat After Getting Dental Implants

Posted on 5/8/2023 by Evan
Foods To Eat After Getting Dental Implants 
Dental implant surgery has become a common dental procedure over the years. Just like with any other medical procedure, it is imperative that you undertake proper post-care to ensure a quick recovery.

After the surgery, you will undoubtedly have a difficult time when chewing. Thus, your orthodontist will probably recommend that for the first 10-14 days, or at least until you no longer experience pain that you should stick to soft foods. So, what foods can you eat and what foods can't you eat?

Liquid-Based Foods

An all-liquid diet is best suited, especially for the first couple of days after the procedure. This means that your diet will be based on liquids such as smoothies, juice, ice cream, pudding, creamy soups, and broths, and even protein drinks. However, keep in mind that it would be best to avoid drinking citrus fruit smoothies in large amounts. This is because citrus drinks can damage the enamel due to them usually being highly acidic.

Cooked Cereals

Cereals that are cooked can be a substantial meal to aid in your quick recovery. This is because cooked cereals such as oatmeal are very easy to chew and are nutritious. 

Leafy Greens

Dentists typically recommend that you consume leafy greens such as spinach and kale for the second week of recovery since they are easy to chew when cooked. They also contain high levels of calcium, which is essential for healthy teeth. 


Eggs contain phosphorous, which is essential in maintaining healthy teeth. In addition, they are not only easy to chew but also easy to prepare.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are great for recovery. Not only can someone easily boil and mash them for easy chewing, but they also contain high levels of vitamin C, which is very important for gum health.

Tender Meat

If you want to include meat, orthodontists recommend that you stick to tender and moist meat such as turkey or chicken. You can easily add meat to your potatoes or vegetables. Just make sure that the meat is tender. You can also consider adding cooked fish such as salmon to your diet.

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